Faith Partnerships

Faith Engagement Opportunities

Congregations of all sizes can partner with Habitat for Humanity in a variety of ways.
What is God calling your church to do? Consider these possibilities:


Without the continuing prayers of millions of people, Habitat’s work could not continue.


Support Habitat Financially

  • Encourage your congregation to include Habitat for Humanity in its mission work
  • Make regular donations to your local Habitat affiliate or collect special Habitat for Humanity offerings
  • Provide in-kind goods and services
  • Raise funds to build all or part of a house
  • Tithe
  • Make an online donation to Habitat for Humanity International


  • Build strength and unity within your congregation as you work toward the common goal of helping others
  • Organize volunteers for a house that your congregation funds or helps fund
  • Join volunteer teams who are working on special church builds around the world
  • Organize a Global Village team to build houses and hope in another country or community
  • Serve on local Habitat committees

Engage Your Community

  • Continue to be a voice for those in need even after construction is complete
  • Host speakers on housing issues to raise awareness of the need for decent housing
  • Make the commitment to become advocates for housing
  • Bring the Habitat message to children by using the tools available to youth leaders on Habitat’s Youth Programs site